Koczij of the Sushi
Original Song: Chester the Molester
Original Artist: Sloan
Date: 04/19/2001

Koczij of the sushi loves his fish thursday
And when the clock strikes 12, you cant keep him away
He's saying "Hey there waitress, can I get some tea,
And maybe a red dragon roll" (dragon roll)
He orders light, but if he isnt filling up
He'll stuff his hole with Marks handroll
But he'll always say please
He won't seize

Because its better then kani in a fat assed roll of cali
And you know the thursdays coming, sushi crew is gonna rally
I know, it can't be too soon

Koczij of the sushi's laying down the law (what a man)
Jamming fresh raw fish into his bearded maw
He's saying "Hey there waitress, can I get some soy,
for dipping with my sushi roll" (sushi roll)
"You thought I was the type of guy who'd diss the fish,
But I'm not,
Any more then you are"


Just give in
Say you'll try the green d. roll this time
Just give in
Say you'll try the green d. roll this time

Koczij of the sushi's got his fly undone (what a man)
His stomach's distended from too much sushi fun
He's saying "Hey there waitress, can I get the bill
Cause it seems I'm full of fish again" (fish again)
He's bloated now but soon he'll be in fighting form
More fish he'll seek in just one week
But it's always okay
When it's thursday


rawfish eatah
harvey danger
koczij of the sushi
children of the wave
black sabbath